Sunday 18 January 2009

Mock the week


God, I love Mock the Week

Got a bit of a crush on Russel Howard to be honest,
there's nothing more sexy than a man with humour

Unless they're a clown of some sort...

But seriously, is it just me, or is he not the sexiest man alive?


So... Clingay!?

Seriously, I'm having problems with clingy people right now.

Wait no, scratch that last part actually.
I'm have problems with a clingy person.

It's like... if I want you to be my friend, I'll ask.

And I mean, If I don't ask you to come with me...
Or if I don't invite you to go on a trip with me...

Chances are, I don't actually want you to come with me.

I'm not being mean,
it's just that...

If I don't even know you;
I'm not really going to want to spend all my time with you am I?


God I miss some people...

I mean, people I really didn't appreciate at the time,
or people who didn't get to know how much I appreciated them

But now it's too late to tell them :-(


What do I really look for in a guy?
I actually have no fucking idea...

God asked what my type was at school today,
and I was just like "err.... dunno actually"

Don't think it realy matters though,

I mean - I've never gone out with a guy I actually liked XD
Just sorta gone with whatever was available at the time...

But seriously, I think I need to work it out...
I mean, maybe I need to find someone I share interests with?

That'd certainly be a nice change of pace anyway :-L


Oh yeah!!!
So I've been thinking... and I've finally decided.

It was the most difficult decision ever!

But I've decided...

  1. Robaata-san, on vocals
  2. Rebekka-chan, on the guitar
  3. Jema-chan, on the drums
  4. Mikeira-chan, on the triangle
Well, she needs to have something to do XD


1 comment:

bowiesleftsock said...

Lol, I don't have a type either.
I was speaking to my Dad about this guy who likes me who's also one of my best friends, so I was asking for advice.
And the conversation lead to "why don't you like him?"
And I said "he's not my type"
Then "well, what is your type?"


And I couldn't answer.

It's like, I don't have a "type" as far as guys I want to be with, but I do have a "type" when it comes to guys I don't want to be with.

Haha do you get that too?
Or even, does that make any sense?