Monday 26 January 2009

I could say



That was... different :-P


Hair's purple now :-)

Wasn't sure about it... wanted to dye it red...
But then I got pushed in the right direction...

Definetly better than I thought it was going to be actually,
I thought I was gonna look like a really tacky anime person

But it's actually really subtle, and yet obvios too XD


I hate crybabies and whiners!
Especially when they have nothing to whine about!!!

I mean, at least if they're subtle about, or sporadic with it -
I mean I whine, but I only do it on my blog, right here :-P

So if you don't care, you don't read.

...hopefully that makes it a little less grating -_-'

But certain people don't have the good manners to do that,
They just push fake problems in your face and expect pity

And even if that's not enough,
They just don't ever f*king shut up!


So... have decided to follow up my little "what's my type" rant;
with a list of all the things that I find attractive and unattractive.

It's as much for my benefit as it is for yours ;-)

medium-long hair
musical/artistic talents
love of manga/anime
good taste in music
lack of morbid obesity
open mindedness
sense of humour!!!
actually nice and kind
deep and interesting
genuinely supportive

afro hair or short hair
ugly, baggy jeans
dance music fan/raver
complete sex-pest
blatantly loud and camp
mean and plain shallow
really scary friends
porn-watcher <--had to be said


I could say that I'll forever love you
But that's quite unrealistic - a stupid thing to do
I could say I'll always be faithful to you
But I promised myself that I would never lie to you


1 comment:

bowiesleftsock said...

haha, look at the pair of us, waffling on about our types hahaha.