Monday 12 January 2009



God, I complain way too much about my hair...
But in my defense, it is pretty crap isn't it?

Urgh, think I'm gonna get it cut soon to be honest
Not super short - just enough so I can see out it

That'd be a pleasant change methinks...


Keep thinking about dyeing my hair radically,
but something keeps making me decide not to.

Doubt I could pull off a bright colour...
or the streak of blonde I was gonna get.



Y'know... for such a succesful boyband,
Fahrenheit are really quite fake.

I mean c'mon, seriously ¬_¬

Each member is meant to "represent" a season, and a temperature

And, the temperature supposedly corresponds to their personaly
Oh yeah, I'm sure they have personality checks at the auditions...

Yeah, one's "warm", one's "hot", one's "cool" and the other's "cold"

That's not totally fake at all...

Got to wonder, who pulled the short straw?


Ooh! Yay!

I actually passed me Spanish test!
Well please about that actually :-)

Really, really didn't expect that to happen lol

Still, we've already got another one to work on


Ugh, I really don't like some people

Y'know if you're gonna lie badly don't lie at all
I mean, seriously. Just tell the fucking truth.

And when you know eveyone knows you're lying,
don't keep it fucking up! Just admit you're wrong.


It's just really aggravating...


Have given up learning the guitar for now (shocker, huh?)

But it's time will come!

Way I see it, there's no threat of me doing what sutefanii-chan did
Not through want of trying mind you ;)

Chances are, I'm doing whatever I do on my lonesome

Which I suppose, has it's ups and downs :P

I make all my decisions for myself... which is a good
But it also means that I have to do all of the work :'(


1 comment:

bowiesleftsock said...

hahaha guitar is actually quite hard haha.

what do you mean on your own?

and there was something else i was gonna say... but i forgot...


the lying thing... the best way to catch someone out, and i love doing this, is when you think they're lying, say something like "when you lie, your nostrils flare" or something haha.
Also usually, if the person looks to their right it means they're telling the truth, and if they look to their left it means they're lying.
Also most people's pupils enlarge xD

Sorry I'm rambling, I'm in a talkative mood haha.