Tuesday 6 January 2009

Happy New Year!


Can I hear a "Woohoo"?

First post of the year eh? :-P
Just wish more people would comment instead of just reading :-/

So, anyway - on another topic...

Revision = absolute fucking nails

I keep on slipping up, and making excuses to myself not to do it,
gonna have to really get down and dirty with it soon though...


Christmas was absolutely ace for myself I must say,
got lots of ncie presents from almost everyone

Still got some promised presents I'm waiting for...

*subtle hint*


Oh yeah! I've finally nailed down my New year's resolutions.
Hope all of you guys have to ;-)

Main Goals
  1. Don't ask anyone out, let them ask me
  2. Buy a pair of GHD Straighteners
  3. Get a job and stop complaining about money
Chances are the top one'll never happen lol
But still. Obsessive hinting doesn't count as asking, right? :-P

Hopefully the single state is only temporary...


So, anyway, for those who care; my new blog "Chasing Lights" is up now.

Pretty much named after a bad habit of mine... -_-'

It's pretty much going to be a place for me to store my lyrics,
in the hope of getting some actual comments on them...

So... feel free to read them anyway.

Hopefully, after the exams (prelims...or maybe proper ones) I'll
actually get some work done. I've been trying but to be honest
with all my revision I haven't had time for much of anything, and
It was hard enough already - what with my goddawful skills in
the computer-music-program area. <---they really are quite bad

Maybe I should get some help...

But where?


And for those who read my last post, about my hopes of a date...

Evidently I was too subtle...
He still hasn't got a fucking clue!

Oh well, shall just have to wait and see if he catches on :-P



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