Wednesday 25 February 2009





Thinking of writing a story...

maybe a chapter every blog?
(for a new, 3rd, blog obviously)

Not sure what to write it on though...

Ninjas? :P


my doctor's a noob.

I'm going between phases of being furious and not caring.

But if I don't get this whole thing fixed soon,
Fury shall be my permanent state I suspect.



I'm no longer Bernarda Alba in The House of Bernarda Alba,
Now I'm playing her maid Poncia, and Keito's being Bernarda.

Now I don't need a walking stick!

Mind you, The teacher pretty practically said
that it was 'cause Keito's a snob, and I'm a tink

In speech at least :P


Think I shall make myself some sushi now :3

Haven't made my own in ages :P

Pre-made stuff is sooo yummy though
And I'm just a bit too lazy these days ;)


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