Monday 23 February 2009

Absolutely mental


Maybe you fell in love with Malice Mizer during the Gackt era.
The whimsical music,
Mana's enigmatic dressing
(i.e:cross dressing)
Their dramatic (OTT) shows

Or, maybe, you saw Sailor Moon,
and fell in love with the characters, the fantasy and the animation.
(and Usagi's attitude that reminded you all too much of your own)

Then it came to you suddenly, your addiction to japanese pop culture..

Or maybe,
you heard Gwen Estefani singing about "those harajuku girls"

But the fact remains,
You're ever-so-slightly addicted


If I won the lottery, what would I do?
Hrm... I have to answer that for spanish.

If you read this,
I want you to comment and say what you'd do!



Nice to see some friendly faces coming back,
but it does remind me of how many have left,
and the ones who're never coming back again.


Lol, I bought sooo much crap when I was at Inverness;

Death Note Vol.3
Full Moon Sagashite Vol.2
Spiral: The Bonds of Reasoning Vol.2
The Complete Aranzi Hour

Origin: Spirits of the past
Yo-Yo Girl Cop
Ghost in the Shell
Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence
Laputa: Castle in the Sky

(meant to get Russel Howard's DVD my 2nd time at HMV
but by then the queue had grown to be amazingly long)

Also bought quite a nice shirt,
wanted to get a nice man-necklace but couldn't find one :(


I'll never understand why people ask me for advice...

Don't they realize I'm mental?


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