Thursday 19 February 2009

Alphabet Quiz

The Letter A
Are You Available - Very :P
What Is Your Age - 16
What Annoys You - Petty people

The Letter B
Do You Live In A Big House - Bungalow :3 (so no)
When Is Your Birthday - 20th June
Who Are Your Best Friends - Rebekaa!!

The Letter C
What's Your Favorite Candy - n/a
What's Your Favourite Colour - Red
When Was The Last Time You Cried - Dunno tbh

The Letter D
Do You Daydream - Very much so :3
What's Your Favorite Breed Of Dog - Chiwawa xD
What Day Of The Week Is It - Thursday?

The Letter E
How Do You Like Your Eggs - Plain. I only eat them whole :3
Have You Ever Been In The Emergency Room - Nope
What's The Easiest Thing Ever To Do - Not express yourself

The letter F
Have You Ever Flown In A Plane - Yer
Do You Use Fly Swatters - Nope
Have You Ever Used A Foghorn - A what?

The Letter G
Do You Chew Gum - Not so much
Are You A Giver Or A Taker - Taker xD
Do You Like Gummy Candies - Used to LOVE jelly babies :3

The Letter H
How Are You - Fairly relaxed
What's Your Height - Tall :P
What Colour Is Your Hair - Purple

The Letter I
What's Your Favorite Ice Cream - Vanilla
Have You Ever Ice Skated - Yep

The Letterr J
What's Your Favorite Jellybean - They have flavours now? :S
Have You Ever Heard A Really Hilarious Joke - Probably :L
Do You Wear Jewelery - Sometimes

The Letter K
Who Do You Want To Kill - Err... the bitch! :L
Do You Want Kids - Soemtimes
Where Did You Have Nursery - Can't remember

The Letter L
Are You Laid Back - Sometimes
Do You Lie - Try not to, but who doesn't?

The Letter M
What's Your Favorite Movie - Hard to say...
Do You Still Watch Disney Movies - YEAH! :D

The Letter N
Do You Have A Nickname - Not really :S
What's Your Favorite Number - 25 (five by five :P)
Do You Prefer Night Over Day - Night

The Letter O
What’s Your One Wish - The obviosu one :P
Are You An Only Child - Yep
Do You Wish This Was Over - Naw, it's amusing lol

The letter P
What’s One Fear You Are Most Paranoid About - Not achieving my dreams
Are You Quick To Judge People - Not unless they give me good reason

The Letter R
Do You Think You're Always Right - Not as much as it may seem xD
Do You Watch Reality TV - Nope

The Letter S
Do You Prefer Sun Or Rain - Like rain, but not what it does to my hair.
Do You Like Snow - Nope
What's Your Favorite Season - Summer obviously :p

The Letter T
What Time Is It - 6.30
What Time Did You Wake Up - Dunno
Have You Ever Slept In A Tent With The Opposite Sex - Yep

The Letter U
Are You Wearing Underwear - Yeah lol xD

The Letter V
What’s The Best Veggie - Errr... I like them all tbh (apart from tomatoes)
Where Do You Go Vacation – Lots of places, I've been on more than one :L
Where Was Your Last Family Vacation To – Turkey

The Letter W
What’s Your Worst Habit – Obsessing

The Letter Y
Do You Like The Colour Yellow – Dunno... not especially

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