Saturday 28 February 2009

Not a cheater


look like I'm gonna have to earn money to go to skins :P

Cause right now I'm very poor...

And my mum's like,
"Maybe I'll pay you to do stuff"

Knowing my luck it'll be like 50p per errand.


Hephzi, on my new bebo quiz :L
(she got 0%)

"Who'd of guessed that:- you didn't have hair down to your waist at one point?

And you don't like Reggae?

And your eyes were never Black?
And you dont take-out Pepperoni pizza?
And your not going to dye your hair white?
And you don't want to swap art for maths?
And your not keen on Winnie the Pooh?
And you wouldn't choose to be flight?
Not me obvs. xxxxxx "


Gawd, I used to have a lot of respect for Avril Lavigne...

What a sellout.


I keep getting stuck on LoZ: Twilight Princess :'(

But I'm not gonna use a walkthrough...
I don't wanna use a walkthrough...
I might use a walkthrough...

Ugh, I hate cheating but I've been stuck for ages :P


Wish it was easier to make new friends.

I mean, I like the ones I got don't get me wrong :3
But it'd be nice if I could make some new ones too.

Ones who maybe have stuff in common with me :P
(that'd be a pleasant change)


Friday 27 February 2009

Chicken&noodle soup


Might go to skinandis.
Might be fun.
Might not.

Depends on who's there I suppose...


Skin's lesbian story made me cry :'(

Nostalgic in a strange way...
Strange, considering I'm a guy and all :P

But nostalgic nonetheless.

I think I like this new series after all.
Freddie tbh :P

"Emancipate yourself from mental slavery,
none but ourselves can free our mind"


Chicken&noodle soup is my new obsession

I absolutely love it,
Way better than rice and sweet'n'sour.

Okay maybe that's blasphemy :P
But it's certainly very, very nice.
(and it's got less calories I think)

But still, I wish they'd give me a fork!
Or even some chopsticks!!!

Eating noodles with a spoon is not easy at all...


Love An Cafe's new single :D

Okay, it's not new-new...
Not brand-spanking-super-modern-new...

But it's new enough :P

check it out?

Their videos seem to be getting less creative though :(
I miss Maplegunman :P


Bleh, art's not going well.

Not that that's particularly unusual or anything :P


Wednesday 25 February 2009





Thinking of writing a story...

maybe a chapter every blog?
(for a new, 3rd, blog obviously)

Not sure what to write it on though...

Ninjas? :P


my doctor's a noob.

I'm going between phases of being furious and not caring.

But if I don't get this whole thing fixed soon,
Fury shall be my permanent state I suspect.



I'm no longer Bernarda Alba in The House of Bernarda Alba,
Now I'm playing her maid Poncia, and Keito's being Bernarda.

Now I don't need a walking stick!

Mind you, The teacher pretty practically said
that it was 'cause Keito's a snob, and I'm a tink

In speech at least :P


Think I shall make myself some sushi now :3

Haven't made my own in ages :P

Pre-made stuff is sooo yummy though
And I'm just a bit too lazy these days ;)


Monday 23 February 2009

Absolutely mental


Maybe you fell in love with Malice Mizer during the Gackt era.
The whimsical music,
Mana's enigmatic dressing
(i.e:cross dressing)
Their dramatic (OTT) shows

Or, maybe, you saw Sailor Moon,
and fell in love with the characters, the fantasy and the animation.
(and Usagi's attitude that reminded you all too much of your own)

Then it came to you suddenly, your addiction to japanese pop culture..

Or maybe,
you heard Gwen Estefani singing about "those harajuku girls"

But the fact remains,
You're ever-so-slightly addicted


If I won the lottery, what would I do?
Hrm... I have to answer that for spanish.

If you read this,
I want you to comment and say what you'd do!



Nice to see some friendly faces coming back,
but it does remind me of how many have left,
and the ones who're never coming back again.


Lol, I bought sooo much crap when I was at Inverness;

Death Note Vol.3
Full Moon Sagashite Vol.2
Spiral: The Bonds of Reasoning Vol.2
The Complete Aranzi Hour

Origin: Spirits of the past
Yo-Yo Girl Cop
Ghost in the Shell
Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence
Laputa: Castle in the Sky

(meant to get Russel Howard's DVD my 2nd time at HMV
but by then the queue had grown to be amazingly long)

Also bought quite a nice shirt,
wanted to get a nice man-necklace but couldn't find one :(


I'll never understand why people ask me for advice...

Don't they realize I'm mental?


Thursday 19 February 2009

Alphabet Quiz

The Letter A
Are You Available - Very :P
What Is Your Age - 16
What Annoys You - Petty people

The Letter B
Do You Live In A Big House - Bungalow :3 (so no)
When Is Your Birthday - 20th June
Who Are Your Best Friends - Rebekaa!!

The Letter C
What's Your Favorite Candy - n/a
What's Your Favourite Colour - Red
When Was The Last Time You Cried - Dunno tbh

The Letter D
Do You Daydream - Very much so :3
What's Your Favorite Breed Of Dog - Chiwawa xD
What Day Of The Week Is It - Thursday?

The Letter E
How Do You Like Your Eggs - Plain. I only eat them whole :3
Have You Ever Been In The Emergency Room - Nope
What's The Easiest Thing Ever To Do - Not express yourself

The letter F
Have You Ever Flown In A Plane - Yer
Do You Use Fly Swatters - Nope
Have You Ever Used A Foghorn - A what?

The Letter G
Do You Chew Gum - Not so much
Are You A Giver Or A Taker - Taker xD
Do You Like Gummy Candies - Used to LOVE jelly babies :3

The Letter H
How Are You - Fairly relaxed
What's Your Height - Tall :P
What Colour Is Your Hair - Purple

The Letter I
What's Your Favorite Ice Cream - Vanilla
Have You Ever Ice Skated - Yep

The Letterr J
What's Your Favorite Jellybean - They have flavours now? :S
Have You Ever Heard A Really Hilarious Joke - Probably :L
Do You Wear Jewelery - Sometimes

The Letter K
Who Do You Want To Kill - Err... the bitch! :L
Do You Want Kids - Soemtimes
Where Did You Have Nursery - Can't remember

The Letter L
Are You Laid Back - Sometimes
Do You Lie - Try not to, but who doesn't?

The Letter M
What's Your Favorite Movie - Hard to say...
Do You Still Watch Disney Movies - YEAH! :D

The Letter N
Do You Have A Nickname - Not really :S
What's Your Favorite Number - 25 (five by five :P)
Do You Prefer Night Over Day - Night

The Letter O
What’s Your One Wish - The obviosu one :P
Are You An Only Child - Yep
Do You Wish This Was Over - Naw, it's amusing lol

The letter P
What’s One Fear You Are Most Paranoid About - Not achieving my dreams
Are You Quick To Judge People - Not unless they give me good reason

The Letter R
Do You Think You're Always Right - Not as much as it may seem xD
Do You Watch Reality TV - Nope

The Letter S
Do You Prefer Sun Or Rain - Like rain, but not what it does to my hair.
Do You Like Snow - Nope
What's Your Favorite Season - Summer obviously :p

The Letter T
What Time Is It - 6.30
What Time Did You Wake Up - Dunno
Have You Ever Slept In A Tent With The Opposite Sex - Yep

The Letter U
Are You Wearing Underwear - Yeah lol xD

The Letter V
What’s The Best Veggie - Errr... I like them all tbh (apart from tomatoes)
Where Do You Go Vacation – Lots of places, I've been on more than one :L
Where Was Your Last Family Vacation To – Turkey

The Letter W
What’s Your Worst Habit – Obsessing

The Letter Y
Do You Like The Colour Yellow – Dunno... not especially

Tuesday 17 February 2009

Suprisingly serious :P


Momiji Alert!
Got a new momiji, her name's Blu
And I've decided she is related to Spike :3

In my defence, they look quite similair;
she's has blue hair and wears red/white clothes
and Spike's got red hair and blue/white clothes

So, they've got a lot in common.

Blue likes; flip flops
And bach's cello suite no. 5 in c minor

Whatever the hell that is :L


On another note;
not sure what to think about valentines day.


Aran-san was actually quite odd the other day.
So I've got my suspicious face on right now :P

Starting to think he's smarter than I though xD

And, also... dots can be a bad thing.


Don't really know what I'm doing with my life to be honest
Starting to worry that after high-school I'm gonna be lost

Just seems like things are never the way I wish they'd be.

I mean; not just school.
And not just my love-life either.

It just feels liek everything in my life is out of control
And it's like I have no control of my surrounding at all.

Like I just have to observe everything around me,
just watch things spiral out of control.

Love, friendship, studies, family, work, everything...

Dunno, sometimes I just wished I had a bit more control.
And a few more chances in life to really enjoy myself...


So I find a type.
To be honest it's always been my type.

But anyway, I've found my type.

And it seems just because their my type,
still doesn't mean that I'm their type...

According to Arekusandaa-kun;
"i would put it like this, ur in the highest leauge

and people are jsut trying to catch up"

You've got to laugh don't you?

Mind you, I got rated 85 out of 90 for hotness on myyearbook
So I guess I'm not as unnatractive as I think I am :L

Either that or people have a strange sense of humour these days


But, honestly, need to think some stuff through.
Work out what I'm doing after school's finished.

Definetly wanting to move out;
Got an offer, but not sure how serious it actually was.

So I don't think I should really be putting all my stock into it.

But I definetly think I'm serious.
If I have to live like this for much longer I think I'll crack.


Monday 16 February 2009

Random quotations (of the random variety)


Me, Moiself and I
"I've always wanted to see a bald girl...
that... and a woman with a mooostash"

"Miss, what's a wedge?"
"It's erm.. when the man has quite a big... y'know..."
"No wonder he doesn't know what it means."

"Have you learned anything today then Robert?"
"Ermm! Suffragettes were women...!"

"I'm confused... why is bitch being an Alanah?"

"Is it bionic yoghurt? ...oh shit no!"

"It was 5 minutes after I put the moisturiser on... then I got moist."

"It's so nice after a storm... like the weather just had a massive diorhea."

"OMG her fanny is on display!"
"...her fanny?"
"You know... her pooper."

"It's not fair, Kirtsy broke my stick!"

"What's a sternum?"

"What's a tragus?"

"I just wanna go outside strip naked and roll on it like a sausage"
"I beg your pardon!?"
"On the snow you idiot. What was your weird little mind thinking?"

Grindall quotes (drama teacher)
"Robert, you need to be more erect"

"Kate, this is the part where you take Kirsty from behind"

"Kirsty, stop fisting her"

"Her husband left her so she commited suicide"
"So she didn't take it very well then?"


Sunday 15 February 2009

Some things weren’t designed to understand


Meh, I've had worse reactions to valentines cards :L

Mind you, not sure wether it's a good or bad reaction...
I'm beggining to get kinda crap at telling these things...

Well, least it was acknowledged :3

Gonna have to, somehow, find out wether he liked it though
Cause I don't really know, I just think I know...

If you know what I mean... ¬_¬'


I’m looking at the floor
I’m looking anywhere to try to put my head into
a different place

I’m stopping it before
Before I think about the promise to myself that
I’m about to break

Fall into daydreams inside these walls
I must be out of my mind


Lol, some people are very slow.

You sit there, hinting and hinting...
And they just don't get it lol.

Very, very slow.

Aran-san doesn't read this,
so I can make fun of him if I want to :P


Snow, Snow, Snow :(

Much, much less snow than before...

It's all gone :'(


Cause I don’t even know you
But all I do is think about your face
And I don’t wanna call you
But I wish I had your number just in case
I never thought someone could shake me like you can
Some things weren’t designed to understand


Saturday 14 February 2009

Bop on the noggin' eh? (don't ask)


Have I mentioned that I sent a valentines day card? :P

Lol, have to say that was a big move for me lol.
Even though it was anonymous... and won't lead anywhere xD

But still,
I think that's the most forward thing I've done in a while.

And I'm genuinely surprised I went through with it;
cause usually when I really fancy a guy I'm a drooly mess xD

But this time, I was coherent!!!

And poetic too :3

So I'm feeling pretty damn proud of myself right now :D

Now all I gotta do is...
speak to him...


(oh well, one step at a time eh?)


To be brave, is to behave
bravely when you feel faint.
So you can be really brave
only when you really ain't.


You've gotta wonder...

D'you think Henry the 8th ever sat down and thought;
"Fuck, maybe it's me?"


Snow, Snow, Snow =3

Much less snow than before...
But snow nontheless xD

...though now it's of the sporadic, slush-variety


Have to admit, these last few blogs (i.e - all of february) 've been rushed.

But, fear not!
Some quality blogging shall soon be coming your way!

(I hope)

Considering doing a youtube channel as well... but what to put on it?

Hrmm... bit of a dilemma eh?

Well, got any ideas; please feel free to let me know.


Friday 13 February 2009

I just can't get enough


Sent my card.


It's a new day, and it's evident
You must have been heaven-sent
Sometimes we should be hesitant, but I'm not at all
Just feeling more confident
Just using my common sense
Can't refuse an offer so benevolent

Don't be afraid
This is your day

It's time to be brave
Say I'm not afraid, not any more
I used to be cold, now the temperature's changed
It just ain't the same
I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid
Cos' I've become brave
As the light of day, straight into a cave
To show me the way, that I might be saved
Now I'm turning the page
Thanks to the power of love I can love
Because I am brave


Emirii-chan's whole blog thing actually made me think a little bit...

And it's like, sure; I fancy girls on occasion...
But to be honest, I don't think I could sleep with one...


Basically, I think I am what I thought I was
But not the other thing I thought I was :-L

If you know what I mean...


Snow, Snow, Snow =3

Less snow than before...
But snow nontheless xD


When I’m with you baby, I go out of my head
(I just can't get enough, I just can't get enough)
All the things you do to me and everything you said
(I just can't get enough, I just can't get enough)


Tuesday 10 February 2009

Valentine's stuff

Someone came

Someone came,

a stranger then.
A stranger perhaps, yet.
But, all the same the world to me
a world,
I shan't forget.
And as the days ahead go by
and wave their fond farewells,
As the leaves desert their trees,
the waves outrun their swells.
As the years take us away
and others come between.
You'll always, be the rarest find,
the greenest of the Green.
The brightest of His many stars,
the greatest of them all.
You'll always be the most to me,
the last of them to fall.

And to you a stranger then,

a stranger, maybe yet
I give to you my very soul,
my heart,
this love I've kept.

December 1970

By Linda A. Copp©


73% who buy flowers for Valentine's are men, only 27% are women.


About 1 billion Valentine cards are sent each year (2nd most after X'mas)


About 3% of pet owners will give Valentine's Day gifts to their pets.


Moshi Moshi


Moshi Moshi =3

Jiin-chan still lols at me for not knowing what it meant :-P
It's not that I didn't know... it's just that I was a bit slow...



Snowy day, snowy day!!!

I would've gone sledging, but;
  1. I don't have a sledge
  2. I don't have my own hill

Got everything for my valentines card now :-)
Just need to send it methinks :-)

(lol at Reicheru-chan for not knowing who it's for)

Gomen kudasai Reicheru-chan :-P


Snow, Snow, Snow =3

Hopefully it'll snow some more,
then we'll all get a day off school


Hey, that rhymes!!


(...if you're smart you'll get the joke)


Saturday 7 February 2009




I've worked out how 2 send my card :-)
Fair pleased with myself to be honest :-P

...even though Eimi-chan came up with it.

Still need a card though...
All the card places I've been to only sell;

Cards with teddies,
or relationship cards

Neither of which are very appropriate to be honest...


I got drunk with the Teletubbies last night.

La La was ga ga,
Po had to throw
& Tinky Winky was absolutely Sh*tfaced!


My flawed heart still embraces the night, even as it burns out
That feeling that glittered off in the distance for a split-second
If it's love, I'll try for that vision

T.M Revolution - Meteor



Buretto-san gave me a link to a program...
and I spent about 2 hours trying to work it no avail.

Looks like electro-pop isn't my forte.

Back to the drawing board?
Or maybe...

I should try again, and not give up right away?

That'd be very out of character :-L


This guy's really good :-P


Thursday 5 February 2009





Shopping spree soon!!!
(is that how you spell spree?)

Going to Inverness soon, pretty much just to spend my EMA bonus.

Every, single penny.


Haven't blog in a while...

so I shall do a "quiz" to make up for it...

-Are you wearing a necklace? Yep
-Does your computer have a mouse? Err... of course lol
- Who is the main person you talk to in class?

English - Rebekaa-chan

Art - Mikeira-chan, Jema-chan, Arekusandaa-kun,
Spanish -
Mikeira-chan, Eimi-chan
Bio - Horii-chan, Erin-chan

- Do you like school?
Not really.
- What colour is your t-shirt?
- What song are you listening to?
T.M Revolution - Meteor
- What was the last mall you went to? Err....
- Are you alone?
Yeah ;-)
- Do you have any older siblings?
- What is the last thing you ate? ...?
- Who was the last person to come to your house?
- Who was the last person to call you?
- Who was the last to text you?
- What's the time? 6.39
- What should you be doing?
Spanish probz
- Who was the last to IM you?
- Did you go out to eat yesterday?
- What are you thinking about right now? This quiz is looong
- What colour are your pants? Lime green
-What colour is your keyboard?
- What do you feel like eating/drinking?
Err... nothing tbh
- Are you in college?
- What is the last word you wrote?
- Are you bored?
Just a tad
- How many teeth do you have? Lol, not counting tbh
- Do you wear glasses?
- What colour are you shoes?
White w/ pattern
- Last thing you drank?
Skinny Water
- Who do you love?
- What are you doing right now?
This lol
- What are you looking at now? This lol
- What were the last words you said? Err... hi?
- Do you have lipgloss on?
Not particularly
- Do you have eyeliner on?
- Do you have a cut on your point finger? No lol
- Where is your mobile?
- Do you have any friends called Robbie? Nope
- Do you have any friends named Nikki?
Nope. Just a bratty cousin!!
- Are you afraid of the dark? Yeh
- Did you use to watch the show?
What show?
- Do you like someone?
- What size shoe are you?


- Smoke?
- Have a boy/girlfriend?
- Want a boy/girlfriend?
Yes please
- Dance like a maniac?
Yerr tbh
- Read Cosmo?
- Read FHM? Once :-P
- Sleep around?
- Wear lots of black? Uniform dictates
- Go out drinking ?
Whenever I can
- Believe in God?
- The life and soul of the party?
Totally ;-)
- Popular?
Not really lol
- Intelligent?
- Good at your job? What job? :-P
- Addicted to anything?
Brownies... and SEX
- Hot stuff?
Hell yeaz
- Constantly texting? Yeah tbh
- Confident with yourself?
Not really


- An ipod/mp3?
- A hectic social life? Sometimes

- A party trick?
- A skill?
Doesn't everyone?
- A thing you do without fail every time you drink? Dance
- A best friend of the opposite sex?
- A pet? Cats
- An idol? Sort of...
- Someone you fancy but shouldn't?
See above re:Idol
- A stalker?
Yes actually...
Relationship issues?
I'd need a relationship 1st lol

- Stolen anything serious? Nope
- Woken up in someone else's bed? Yeah
- Made a card castle?
Not skilled enough
- Played with lego non-stop for 7 hours?
No lol
- Been moving so fast you got scared?
- Watched porn?
- Been happy-slapped?
Err... no lol
- Got drunk when everybody else has been sober?
Yeah lol


Nobody's on msn...

No one who's actually replying anyway... ¬_¬'


Monday 2 February 2009

What to do?


So, what to do...?

Want to send a valentine's card...
But don't want to be a stalker XD

What a dillema eh? ;-)


He's everything I want
He's everything I need

He's everything inside of me
That I wish I could be

He'd say all the right things
At exactly the right time

But he means nothing to me
And I don't know why


So, I think this is my new year starting now.

All my loose ends are relatively tied.
February is a new beggining for me.

Time to turn a new leaf,
and start things the way I mean to go on with them...

Starting with the obvious...


I'll make it on my own again
I'll get back on my feet again

I know I'm gonna feel
So good, and so good, and so good

I'm gonna stand the test of time
I'm gonna take back what is mine

I know I'm gonna feel
So good, and so good, and so good


I suck at writing valentine's cards...

Any advice?

The majority of you have my number.
Text me some good advice, yeah? XD
