Saturday 15 November 2008


This weekends definetly gonna be exhausting tbh
But a lot of fun at the same time :P

Still, not quite sure what the future holds...
Mind a bit all over the place right now.

Still not too sure about my future. All my dreams are probably just that.

Pretty damn unrealistic.
But still, I really just wanna be a model or an actor, is it that difficult?

Parents seem to think so.
As do the rest of my family.

Not very supportive are they?

At least I know where I stand relationship-wise.
Not too happy about it, but I can't really complain...

Least It means I'm available I suppose XD

Still, I'm a bit fuzzy on the details... which Is odd considering I was there.
Conclusion just doesn't make sense to be perfectly truthful...

Guess I should enjoy it while it lasts?

Can't think of better reason to enjoy the weekend...

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