Sunday 2 November 2008

Really quite bored


God I'm really bored...

Was planning on writing a manga, and had a whle story and everything
But I've searched high and low and can't find any plain paper...

I mean my house if full of the damn stuff usually!

So, now, I have given up on my idea.
Wouldn't be able to scan it in

Oh well...

Got a job application fro Tesco's this morning :-)
Not exactly my dream job... but at least it's money.

And they have no standards so I'm practically guaranteed to get a job!


And a great big "lol" for yesterday

Poor, poor

He did a live blog.
Which may or not have been completely taken over by sexual predators

Who may or may not have been sent there by me...


I'm sure he'll forgive me one day.
Didn't help that one guy kept asking wether he wanted to be his "baby" XD.

Oh well, serves him right for asking me to watch him... what'd he expect?


And I've made a good plan for next halloween!
Well... a mediocre plan.

Preparation, preparation, preparation.

Got to make sure my costume is made really early, like a month beforehand.
And I've got to actually make plans, instead of waiting for them to be made.


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