Tuesday 9 December 2008

Woah... long


Go, go, go,
It's time to make a move and we both know,
It's time to step it up a notch,
I'm ready to lose touch,
Baby boy,

This is the crossing at the main intersection,
Up is where we go from here,
Finest selection,
This could take us anywhere,
I don't want protection,
Life is better off the line...



Decided to go on a diet for the dance,
But I'm not doing very well to be honest...

Keep going to the chinese for my lunch :-P



Kinda pissed of to be honest, but it looks like I'll be wearing a
kilt to the dance. Spent so much money on christmas presen-
-ts that there was no way I could afford to buy/rent a tux :-(

Kinda confused about the seating arrangements as well

From what I've gathered;



Will be on my table, but I don't know who else...
or even if that's right... (it's what Fioona-chan said)


Been looking around all the blogs I'm following...
Someone really needs to read a good dictionary,
'cause she doesn't know the difference between
borrowing and bothering

Seriously, Rinjii-san, get a dictionary

Baka :-P

I, on the other hand, have no need for dictionaries.
Reason being; my spelling is absolutely brilliant...

and I have a spellchecker ;-)

The wonders of technology, eh?


I really need to learn how to play guitar.

Really, really need to...


15 days to go until X'mas!


Pretty sure this is gonna be a good christmas,
getting tonnes of DVDs, CDs - and hopefully clothes

And, finally, Chichi and Gibo are getting me an I-Pod :-)
It's a bit embarassing I didn't have one already tbh...
(wanted a white one, but I'm getting a silver one instead)

And, also...

I'm getting Momiji!
Lots and lots of wonderful Momiji 8-)

Not a dork at all...


Just found out about the school pantomine last week lol
Why did nobody tell me about it?

I mean, I understand ARISON-san's comment...

'Yes Robert, obviously we should've all shouted "Hey Robert
did you hear about the play!?" but sadly we just forgot to...'

But still, how was I supposed to know?
Lauren said she was being a fairy in it...

What kind of twisted Hansel & Gretel is this!?


Apparently, this is the original version, and
all the ones I've heard are just 'plain wrong'...

But seriously, what the hell?


Still, apparently I'm a little rusty on my Hansel & Gretel lore...

My take on it was this;
  1. Two little children are abandoned in the woods, by their alchoholic father, while the mother's out <--what a lovely chap, eh?
  2. A nice old lady finds them (aww) and takes them into her home; givign them clothes, giving them food and lets them stay the night.
  3. The two little children kill the nice old lady, mutilate her bodyby burning it in a furnace and then they take over her house, rent-free
So... where am I going wrong exactly?


Kind of hoping someone might ask me to go, as a sort of date.
Not someone in general... I have a certain person in mind :-P

Not sure if he has any idea...

Maybe I'm being a bit too subtle these days...


And my final message for the day, is this...
I got my "japanese name" from a website today, just for fun :-P

黒川 Kurokawa (black river) 紫呉 Shigure (giving violet)

Kurokawa Shigure, which is fair enough...
But I like Robaato-chan better :-D



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