Monday, 15 December 2008

Plums, plums, plums <---I like plums

Some say I have no patience.
Others say I'm high-maintenance.

I don't really care...

Speaking to H-chan again <--not saying her name.
Pretty damn happy tbh, I missed her a lot.

We just randomnly started talking again...
I hope it lasts :-p

Decided to maybe do a Dōjinshi,
either on my exagerated, daily hijinks or somethign else.

Maybe a "fabulous" romance ;-)

Who knows, suppose I'll just see where the mood takes me...

Thinkin' of dying my hair plum...
Maybe some blonde highlights?

Friday, 12 December 2008

Ewww clingy

I think, someone in my art class needs to watch this :P

Thursday, 11 December 2008


Interesting choice of seats...

Who the hell came up with that?

Could be interesting.

Could be a disaster...
A very big disaster...

Guess we'll just have to wait and see.


Quote of the day
Mrs Gri
ndall - "Robert, you need to be more erect"

Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Work Work

You wanna get with me,
But I've got much better taste than that,
You wanna get with me,
But you aint never gonna hit that.

Think you're a playa',
And I'm you're flavour,
You aint my saviour,
You're such a clown

Boy don't you do me wrong,
Cause you are not that strong,
And if you mess with me,
You will soon taste defeat.

You got yours baby,
And now it's the end,
So don't go blaming me,
You've got no defence,
I didn't deserve,
To be treated like that,
Got strength in reserve, now,
And my friends got my back.

So don't you go,
Saying I'm wrong,
Cause that would just be a big waste of your time.
There's no point,
In holding on,
You and me both know that'd be a waste of our time

All you ever told me -
The only thing you told me -
You never told me nothing but - lies

No more listening,
No more lies,
It's time to put myself first.

You'd think by now, because I've seen it all,
That my heart should be indestructible,
But being with you has made it impossible,
Cause underneath it all, I'm still vulnerable

Goodbye my love - we said we'd be together until the end
Goodbye my love - we said we'd last forever but now we end
Say sayonara, astalavista, aurevoir;
it's time to say goodbye.

Maybe I should aim lower

Been thinking a lot about the future...
I'm really starting to notice a lot of cracks in my plans...

And a lot of misfocusing...

Y'see the majority of my plans are either very difficult,
or just quite unlikely/requiring of a lot of good luck.

But, for you're entertainment (lol) I've decided to list
all of the things I've wanted to be, since high-school time.


I think everyone knows I wanted to be a singer once.
My main problem being I get stage-fright in a major way.

Then, I wanted to be an actor...
But I've realized Britain doesn't do my kind of TV much.

I'd only ever want to be an actor in a sitcom, or plain comedy.

Then I decided I was going to be a manga artist,
Unfortunately I then realized how much work those people do...

No thank you :-D

So by around fourth year my main focus became a little bit clearer...
I wanted to be a singer-songwriter, or just a plain songwriter...

Maybe entering a few competitions, or selling my lyrics - wasn't sure.
I would've loved to enter the Glinsk Song Contest to be honest...

But then.. and sort of now... I had an urge to be a model.

How vain and unrealistic is that? :-P

But, I dunno... I have to admit I would love to be able to model,
not really sure if I'd have a chance though... or even how to start...

Oh well, I've got plenty of time to work it out and/or change my mind


But yeah... I think I could be a singer-songwriter...
I mean, I know I'm just as good as all the others...

But I suppose, why would I deserve to make it any more than them?

Maybe I should aim a little lower?

Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Woah... long


Go, go, go,
It's time to make a move and we both know,
It's time to step it up a notch,
I'm ready to lose touch,
Baby boy,

This is the crossing at the main intersection,
Up is where we go from here,
Finest selection,
This could take us anywhere,
I don't want protection,
Life is better off the line...



Decided to go on a diet for the dance,
But I'm not doing very well to be honest...

Keep going to the chinese for my lunch :-P



Kinda pissed of to be honest, but it looks like I'll be wearing a
kilt to the dance. Spent so much money on christmas presen-
-ts that there was no way I could afford to buy/rent a tux :-(

Kinda confused about the seating arrangements as well

From what I've gathered;



Will be on my table, but I don't know who else...
or even if that's right... (it's what Fioona-chan said)


Been looking around all the blogs I'm following...
Someone really needs to read a good dictionary,
'cause she doesn't know the difference between
borrowing and bothering

Seriously, Rinjii-san, get a dictionary

Baka :-P

I, on the other hand, have no need for dictionaries.
Reason being; my spelling is absolutely brilliant...

and I have a spellchecker ;-)

The wonders of technology, eh?


I really need to learn how to play guitar.

Really, really need to...


15 days to go until X'mas!


Pretty sure this is gonna be a good christmas,
getting tonnes of DVDs, CDs - and hopefully clothes

And, finally, Chichi and Gibo are getting me an I-Pod :-)
It's a bit embarassing I didn't have one already tbh...
(wanted a white one, but I'm getting a silver one instead)

And, also...

I'm getting Momiji!
Lots and lots of wonderful Momiji 8-)

Not a dork at all...


Just found out about the school pantomine last week lol
Why did nobody tell me about it?

I mean, I understand ARISON-san's comment...

'Yes Robert, obviously we should've all shouted "Hey Robert
did you hear about the play!?" but sadly we just forgot to...'

But still, how was I supposed to know?
Lauren said she was being a fairy in it...

What kind of twisted Hansel & Gretel is this!?


Apparently, this is the original version, and
all the ones I've heard are just 'plain wrong'...

But seriously, what the hell?


Still, apparently I'm a little rusty on my Hansel & Gretel lore...

My take on it was this;
  1. Two little children are abandoned in the woods, by their alchoholic father, while the mother's out <--what a lovely chap, eh?
  2. A nice old lady finds them (aww) and takes them into her home; givign them clothes, giving them food and lets them stay the night.
  3. The two little children kill the nice old lady, mutilate her bodyby burning it in a furnace and then they take over her house, rent-free
So... where am I going wrong exactly?


Kind of hoping someone might ask me to go, as a sort of date.
Not someone in general... I have a certain person in mind :-P

Not sure if he has any idea...

Maybe I'm being a bit too subtle these days...


And my final message for the day, is this...
I got my "japanese name" from a website today, just for fun :-P

黒川 Kurokawa (black river) 紫呉 Shigure (giving violet)

Kurokawa Shigure, which is fair enough...
But I like Robaato-chan better :-D




Made an attempt at sexy the other day

A certain person was looking at me so I gave him a quick smile,
and then walked towards him to give him more definite flirting.

Next thing I know I only just stop myself from falling over,
having only just recovered from tripping over Rebekka-chan.


Have to say, that was the first opening I've had
If I miss the next one I'll fucking hang myself...

And by the way, for any of my aunt's who are reading this;
I'm being saracastic! I'm not fucking suicidal!!!

Or Anorexic, for that matter!!

Or anything else!

Looking forward to seeing you all at Christmas ;-)

Saturday, 6 December 2008

7 things I hate about you

You'll know that this is all about you
Cause it's 'bout the stupid stuff you do

I hate the fact that...
  1. You spent almost all of the morning shaving your legs
  2. When you spent ages in front of the mirror, you were doing nothing
  3. When you kissd me, half the time it was just 'cause you were bored
  4. You said "where do you think this is going" just to start conversation
  5. You spoke about your ballet like it meant you were cool
  6. The only magazines you ever read were meant for girls
  7. No matter how much I hated you, I kept on loving you as well

Friday, 5 December 2008

Ay ya ya

The next time we hang out
I will redeem myself
My heart can't wait till then
I can't wait to see you again


Apologies for my last blog lol, I was in a bad mood.

I spent the whole day enquiring about a guy I liked,
Only to find 5 people thought he was gay; and 5 didn't..

So you can imagine the mental chafing I've had :L

And speaking of which the rumours are true :)
well, one of the rumours are anyway. Not sure bout the rest :P

Not gonna dignify the gossip by addressing it fully,
but for those in the know - it's true. I do ;)

(ay ya ya)

But seriously... why the hell do you even care? :S

Monday, 1 December 2008

Metrosexuals are the bane of society

Mine, anyway.

I mean seriously, why the hell do they act/dress that way?
I'm pretty damn sure girls aren't that into it, and it just confuses gays tbh.

I mean, call me what you will, but if a guy wears makeup,spends more than 30 mins on his hair, and spends lots of money on clothes - I assume he's gay.

But now that seems to be all the rage for straight guys

And it's all well and good for them, but it's bloody confusing for me!!!

I mean I fancy this guy, who's got this really feminine hair, wears makeup, has the most bestest clothes ever and knowing my bloody luck he'll be straight!!!

What is this world coming to I tell ya.

It seems that metrosexual = the new pink...

*grumble, grumble*