Sunday 12 October 2008

Disaster Movie <-- It really was

Went to see "Disaster Movie" with my best friend on the weekend, that was one hell of an experience I can tell you. I've seen Scary Movie 1-4, Date Movie and Epic Movie - but none of them could possibly prepare me for how crap this one was.

It seemed like the entire "storyline" was simply created by linking together lots of little, mildly-amusing, jokes and spoofs of other films, and In my opinion there was very little original material.

It is therefore no surprise to me, that the films has, as of yet, only just recovered more than half of it's $25,000,000 budget (having so far had a $13,570,082 gross revenue).

The film's only high points were, in my opinion, the humorous sending up of Juno's overly-written, self-satisfying, "witty" dialogue and the mockery made of Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus, who not only tries to promote her products while dying, but also comments on the stupid children who cannot tell the difference between the two - even though all she does is wear a very cheap wig and put on a slight accent.

This, however, was definetly not enough to save the movie - and I sincerely hope that this is the last film of the "Movie" series. The first few were good, the next few were okay - but now they really are jumping the shark. It's time to let the series rest in peace - permanently.

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