Sunday 29 March 2009



Listening to
BoA - Sweet Impact


I'm not going through the motions
Waiting an' hoping you to call me

I'm not missing you

You might have had me open
But now I must be closing 'cause

I'm not missing you

I know I'm usually hanging on
I used to hate to see you gone

But now I know I can be strong

I'll forget you before long 'cause

I'm not missing you




So drama was rather... boring the other day.
But at least we got everything done I suppose...

But it's taking up so much time,
I don't have much left to revise :(

And therefore what little time I do have I have to revise in,
which means that over the hols I'm going to be missing TV

I mean, I spent 7.30-10.30 doing Bio last night.

It was utter madness. :'(


Speaking of utter madness,
I'm home alone today! :D

Think I'm gonna go set fire to stuff!


Lol, feel kinda sorry for the fit guy at the chinese...

Poor bugger xD

I didn't wanna look @ him, incase it looked like I was a pervert
But I didn't wanna not look at him, incase he thought I was rude

So the whole time that he was trying to take my order and serve me,
my head was spinning and turning in quite a distracting manner :L


Saturday 28 March 2009



Slightly Pissed
Listening to
Utada Hikaru - This is the One


L is for Love
L is for Lies


1. If you could spend one pound in 5 minutes, what would you spend on ?
Sweets =3

2. What is your most favourite thing to do ?

3. If you are given a chance to reverse your life,will you back to the past ?
NO! lol

4. What would u do if u were to die tomorrow ?
Do things I like doing

5. Is there someone in your heart right now ?
Yeah of course :P

6. Do you feel loved in this world ?

7. What are you afraid to lose the most ?

8. What do you feel like doing right now ?
Eat eat eat :D

9. If there’s someone that you love, would you confess to him/her ?
There is, and if I thought he'd be oky I would

10. List 5 things that u like in a guy/girl.
Nice voice
Really cares 4 me
Looks after me
Not 2 good looking

11. What are the requirements that you not wish from your other half?
Don't be a prick :P or wear yellow :P

12. What do you think is your purpose in life?
Find my love :D

13. Do you feel like killing someone at the moment?
Nope. I'm kind xD

14. If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Sex! (yes, I realise what I'm saying :P)

15. If you had a choice to be rich or happy, which one would you pick?
Not rich, happy

16. If you have a chance, which part of your character you would like to change?
Plain to Sexy :D

17. What is the most prized possession that you wish you can bring to Heaven?
Kaa :P She'll get buried with me xD

18. Name one love song that you have in mind and why?
Simple and Clean - my first "song"

19. What is the one thing you love about yourself?
Flexible? dunno...

20. Do u ever regret together with your ex-boyfriend before??


I really don't enjoy drawing any more,
And I think I know why tbh.

Sad as it sounds, I think that subconsciously,
I don't want to draw cause everyone's better than me.

Especially Horii-chan ¬_¬

And it's probably my own fault for not practising...
But it's like, I used to be the drawer...
And now, I don't even know why I'm bothering.

But it sort of feels like lately I've been falling back
on pretty much everything that made me before.

All the stuff that
And now, I don't seem to be that person.

I'm not an artist...
I'm not a performer...
I'm not a writer...

And I'm definitely not "the virgin" any more...

And I suppose I should put it all down to time,
but it feels like these aren't because of time...

It feels like these changes are because I'm changing...

If y'know what I mean :S


Officially leaving high school now...

Really dreading it actually,
feels like everything's gonna change.

I mean,
I'll still be living in Thurso.
I'll be right next to THS.
Probably still go to the chinese for lunch :P

But I won't see my friends every day,
and I'm not sure they'll all miss me :(

Obviously some will.
(Kaa doesn't have a choice. I'll make her miss me :P)

But I can't help but thing some people won't even notice.
People who mean a lot to me, that I don't really affect...

And I guess it feels weird,
that I can just be pulled right out of my social circle,
and not even leave much of a mark after I'm gone...


College ftw I guess...

Least I might get a chance to meet クラッシュ

So that's a silver lining, maybe...

Even though there's no definite chance I'll ever

see him,
talk to him,
make him like me,

etc, etc, etc - the list goes on and on...


Saturday 21 March 2009



Extremely pissed
Listening to
Beyonce - Single Ladies


"Put a ring on it"


It's always the same with me...

Like two people right now,
and even though one of them likes me back...
The one I really like is the one who doesn't.


And when the other guy had a chance to show he liked me
Albeit a slightly over-the-top one...

He ruined it!



I can't get msn to work :(


Keep meaning to update Life of Ryo,
but just don't know how to start it...


Eimiri-chan will threaten me to do it :P
Then I'll have some motivation lol

Feel free to bully me into it
Eimiri-chan ;)


Started re-updating;


Monday 16 March 2009



Listening to
An Cafe - My Heart Leaps For "C"


Faan's too smart for her own good sometimes :P
Shall be phoning her up later methinks,
And trick her!!

She'll never see it coming :3
Cos' she doesn't read my blog :P


But yeah...
I'm not the sharpest tool in the box some days
(most days?)

Managed to accidentaly let slip 3 things today :P
Being the big dumbass that I am lol.

Hopefully eveyone will forget anyway...

*crosses fingers*


"Does he have a bent hand?" XD


About six different things going on right now...

Well, three if we're being honest.

Can barely handle three right now lol,
Think I'd die if I had six to deal with.



Gonna read Eimiri-chan's blog soon!
And maybe add a 2nd chapter to my Ninja Blog...

(blatant advertisment methinks)


Sunday 15 March 2009



Listening to
Utada Hikaru - Dirty Desire


When I'm alone at night
I sit and fantasize
And in my fantasies I love you long time


So... haven't blogged in yonks.

Been a bit busy,
and I've also been trying not to blog so much :-P

Apparently I do it to much, so I'm cutting back.
(If only there was a patch for this sorta thing)


Really anticipating Utada Hikaru's new album...

"FYI, we're gonna be up all night"


Can't get over Faan at the Skins gig xD
Running like the drunken skunk she was :P

Completely totally bladdered.

Still bit miffed at what she made me miss out on though...

But I'll get he back :P

Wait till she's about to pull...
And then pretend to be drunk and sit on her lap!!


History revision is rife right now.
Really, really quite boring really.



Friday 6 March 2009



Moderately crappy
Listening to
Girls Aloud - Love is Pain


This whole day's been a big, fat, depressing trip through memory lane.


Put my focus on finishing the first chapter of my ninja story xD

Which should be up on a new blog soon...
So check my profile if you're interested, it'll be there.

It's got ninjas!!!
So surely it's worth a look? :P


I hate it when my radar picks up things it shouldn't.

Or more specifically, people it shouldn't.

And, even more specifically,
people I don't want to fancy.


Oh well, Skins tomorrow anyway :)

Could be fun maybe?
Certainly has potential for potential...

Guess it just depends on who turns up :3

*mischievous cackle*


Art wasn't much fun.

Specially thanks to a certain idiot...
Who managed to ruin the rest of my day with two little words.

I don't know why they still effect me to be honest.

I know I'm outta his league now anyway :P

If I sound petty or arrogant,
It might just be 'cause I am.


Monday 2 March 2009



Listening to
Return of Jafar - Forget about love :P



Is any of that really suitable for childrens television?
Call me cynical, but is that not giving gays a bad name?

And to a lesser extent crocodiles...

Wikipedia says,
King Gator, a huge and flamboyant alligator living below the streets
of New Orleans. King Gator's musical number, Let's Make Music
Together, is a parody of the elaborate water ballets seen in Esther
Williams films. Many viewers incorrectly believe that he is a homosexual.

Err... can you blame them? :S



Really considering going to University.

Might not be as hard as I thought it was going to be,
and would definetly be more fun that Thurso College.

Suppose I'll have to do a bit more research into it,
but it could be a viable option I'm starting to think.


Eimiri-chan&Reicheru-chan really need to blog...
Mind you, Ioona-chan needs to blog even more :P


I need to blog a little bit less? xD


I wonder why disney don't make 'em like they used to...

I miss the classics, like Alladin.
Good times tbh ;)

When I was little obviosuly,
don't watch them any more...

*shifty eyes*

I mean, when was the last time they did anything like this?

Snow White- first animated feature in Technicolor
Fantasua - first major motion picture in stereophonic sound
Lady & the Tramp - the first animated feature in CinemaScope
Sleeping Beauty - the first large format animated film
Oliver & Company -
first animated feature with heavy use of CGI.

Little Mermaid - the first animated feature to use digital coloring
Little Mermaid - first animated feature to gross $100 million domestically
Alladin - first animated feature to gross $200 million domestically
Lion King - the highest-grossing traditionally animated feature of all time
Pocohantas - largest film premiere in history with over 100,000 viewers

To be honest, they seem to use so much full-on CGI these days,

I can't remember the last full-budget (i.e - not cheap sequel) animated
film, they did that wasn't done mostly with computer generated stuff.


Yo Yo Girl Cop wasn't that great :(

It was directed by the guy who wrote the screen play for Battle Royale,
and directed Battle Royale 2 - so I assumed it was gonna be quite good.

I was wrong...
