Saturday 30 May 2009



Confused? or clear...
Listening to
Songs that speak my feelings


Baby the harder you work the further you get with me.
Turn up prepared to make sure that you can keep up with me.

I tend to get what I'm wanting, are you starting to see?
It's time for you to step up if you're wanting to get with me.


Go slow.

That is not the way I play
Slow just aint my kind of game


Ready, set... go?


Guess it's up to you
How far
We take this...

Yes, it's up to you;
so take the lead.






Thursday 28 May 2009



God only knows
Listening to
Freemasons ft. Sophie Ellis Bextor - Heartbreak


Sometimes all you want to do is dance.
Move like you've been set ablaze.

Forget the world, and just dance the night away.


Move to the music.
Let all your worries drift away...

Dancing can be like dreaming with your feet...


I love dance.
I love music.


"The truest expression of a people is in its dance and in its music.
Bodies never lie."
~Agnes de Mille

"To dance is to be out of yourself.
Larger, more beautiful, more powerful."
~Agnes De Mille


We're fools whether we dance or not,
so we might as well dance.


Wednesday 27 May 2009



Listening to
Miyavi - What a wonderful world


This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back.

You take the blue pill;
the story ends,
you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe.

You take the red pill;
you stay in Wonderland and find out how deep the rabbit-hole goes.


We all have denial,
whether it's small or large.

We all have things we won't admit, or won't accept.


We all tend to kid ourselves.

Just won't admit;
we're wrong,
they're right,
it's not okay,
it won't be okay.

We even kid ourselves that our enemies are our friends.


That's all they are really.

Lies that we convince ourselves are truths,
even though we know in our hearts they're not.


And if one day,
you choose to accept the obvious?

And you accept things for what they really are?

"Welcome to the real world."

But sometimes,
disillusionment isn't all it's cracked up to be...


Tuesday 26 May 2009


Listening to


"One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: That word is love."


So, what is love?

Is love the key that opens the gate to your heart?
Or is love the thing that makes your heart leave it's hiding place?


"To love is to receive a glimpse of heaven."

It has no awareness.
No awareness of merit, or demerit.
There is no scale with which you can masure it.

Love loves;
It's in its nature.


Love is like a friendship set on fire?

Or like a war: Easy to start, hard to end.

"To love is to suffer."
"To avoid suffering one must not love.
But then one suffers from not loving."


Is this love?


Monday 11 May 2009



Listening to
X Japan - Forever Love


So yeah, feels like I'm losing everything I've ever known...

But at the same time, I'm starting to enjoy new sensatons already...

I guess you need to learn to move on When it comes to this, and other things. And just appreciate the wonderful thing you have :D


Kinda upset I guess

Didn't get to take pictures with some of the people I wanted.
Not that he would've really appreciated my asking him xD

But there were tonnes of people I wished I could've had keepsakes of...

Other Emirii-chan xD
Jeimuzu-kun (emo variety)
Keito-chan, Debii-chan, Kaasutii-chan & Hezaa-chan
Both of the Eimi-chan

And also Raii,
wish I could find that damn picture we took at skins!

Heck, I even wish I had a photo of Roddo-kun xD
Just for some damn proof that I actually knew cool people


Still, I guess I've got stuff to be happy about :D

Like the obvious... xD

And the
potential to make new friends.


Still, I'm also kind of pissed.

I hate liars.
And I'm really hurt that someone I thought was a friend lied to me.

They might have been trying to spare my feelings I guess,
But I think I deserved to be told the truth and not an obvious lie...

Guess it just shows who your real friends are...


But still.

All things considered I won't let that person bother me.
I'm in much too good a mood.

And I'm also too depressed to care
If that actually makes any sense xD


Saturday 9 May 2009



Listening to
Mia Rose - Friends in love


Stop playing with my heart the way you're doing
You keep pushing me away, then you're pulling me right back in
Playing these games when you know I'm already falling

Stop speaking through the lines and say it bluntly
Tired of reading through your smiles to see the truth behind
This circle of two thats leaving me always hoping

Stop making me a fool to think you need me
Stayed true to your life through the ups and downs
Waiting for moments I'm scared might never happen

Cuz I can't stop thinking about the future
And if you cant start telling me your feelings
I'm gonna have to find someone that completes me


Stay away, stay away, stay away.

I hate it when I fancy people I can't have (-_-')
Especially when they make you think you can...

Even if they don't do it on purpose.




So only one more day of proper school left.
Not sure how I feel about it to be honest...

I'm rly gonna miss a lot of people so much,
And I know lots of ppl won't keep contact...

I'm gonna miss people who won't miss me;

That's a given.

People who probably don't even think about me at all.
People who like me, but only "sort of", or "maybe"...

Hopefully I'll meet people quickly.


Guys can be mindfucks.
It's completely official tbh...


Thursday 7 May 2009



Listening to
hide - In Motion


Apparently I'm being a bitch to "someone"right now
But all things considered I don't really give a f*ck...

I've had lots of bad news this week

And if you're gonna shoot your mouth off, expect it back.

Off course I probably was a bit too rough.

I completely forgot that some of us haven't grown up.

Naughty words can make some people cry.

My bad.


Also, on the topic of bitches...

Apparently I'm a "sexy bitch"
Lol at that XD (I can certainly live with it...)


Only a little while till I'm gone.
And I'll never get to sign any yearbooks :(

So here are some signatures of my own :D

Colleges are like old-age homes, 'cept that more people die in colleges.

When your on the ladder of succes, dont let the boys look up your dress!

Don't free a camel of his hump; you may free him from being a camel

Nothing will improve your memory of me more than trying to forget.

Buri (Hepzhi :P)
I hope that your life is just like a kitty-cats litter box, full of suprises :)

As kids, a library card took us to exotic places. Now, a credit card does it.

Many men owe success to their 1st wife, and their 2nd wife to that success

Drugs may be the road to nowhere, but at least they're the scenic route.


So I'm sort of recording again.
About bloody time you might say =3

Not quite sure what I'm heading for though...

Might record 4 songs for an EP,
Not sure what to do about instrumentals though...

That's gonna be a whole different problem.


Shinobi Life might take a while...
I can't remember where my penstick is xD

I wrote 3 chapters.
And I'll be damned if I write 'em again!


Sunday 3 May 2009


Hideto Matsumoto (松本 秀人, Matsumoto Hideto, December 13, 1964–May 2, 1998), was a popular Japanese musician. More commonly known by his stage name hide (pronounced /, given in all-lowercase letters by the artist), he was primarily known for his work as lead guitarist of the popular heavy metal band X Japan from 1987 to 1997. He was also a successful solo artist and co-founder of the United States based band Zilch.

Early Years ( 1964- 1984)
Hideto Matsumoto was born in St Joseph's Hospital, Midorigaoka, Yokosuka, on December 13, 1964. He entered kindergarten in 1968, studying English for three years, followed by an enrollment in Yokosuka Tokiwa Junior High School. He was first exposed to rock and roll music at the age of fifteen, through the album Alive! by Kiss. In the same year his grandmother bought him his first electric guitar, a Gibson Les Paul Deluxe.
hide joined X Japan (then called X) in 1987. He became the band's lead guitarist and occasional songwriter, composing songs like "Celebration", "Joker" and the single "Scars". Shortly after the release of the album Art of Life, the members of X Japan took a break, to start solo projects. Around that time, the group also dropped most of its original visual kei aesthetics, the exception being Matsumoto, who would still perform in wildly colorful outfits and with his trademark pink hair.

Death ( 2th May, 1998 )
Hideto Matsumoto died on May 2, 1998. After a night out drinking, he was found hanged with a towel tied to a doorknob in his Tokyo apartment. Three fans died in copycat suicides, of the 50,000 people who attended his funeral in Tsukiji Hongan-ji, nearly 60 were hospitalized and about 200 received medical treatment in first aid tents. Later that month, the single "Pink Spider" was released, entering the Oricon charts at number one. The song would also receive that year's MTV Video Music Award in the category "Japan Viewers Choice". Sales were also strong for the follow up single "Ever Free", while those of a single released previous to his death "Rocket Dive" would also see a substantial increase. American Journalist Neil Strauss commented on the trend saying that: "In just a few weeks, pop culture in Japan had gone from mourning Hide's death to consuming it."
While authorities deemed Matsumoto's death a suicide, several of hide's friends and colleagues stated that they believed it to be an accident, among them X Japan co-founder Yoshiki Hayashi and former X Japan bassist Taiji Sawada. This notion is supported by the fact that no suicide note was left and Sawada theorizes in his autobiography, that at the night of his death, hide may have been practicing a technique to relieve upper back and neck pains which guitarists can suffer from continuous use of a shoulder strap. The technique involved was practiced by the X Japan members during their touring days and required the use of a towel and a door knob or handle. According to Sawada, Matsumoto may have fallen asleep in his intoxicated state, becoming caught and strangling himself.