Thursday 30 April 2009



Listening to
An Cafe - Maplegunman


Feeling quite a bit better today.

Decided to write;
Great Action Scene! Magical Princess' Book of Ninja Arts - Part 2
And I've also decided to make it a 3 parter instead of a 2 parter...

Not putting it up till May though,
Decided Shinobi Life will only get 2 updates a month :P

But, for those who actually read it... here's a little preview...


A drowsy Mikeira finally regained consiousness. Her vision was blurred, and as she looked at her surrounded she couldn't make much out.
"You're awake I take it?" The woman sneered.
"Who are you?"
"My, my," she laughed. "You would have thought a princess like yourself would have some manners..."
Mikeira frowned. Surely her captor wasn't stupid enough to think she really was a princess? Did this woman really kidnap her because she thought she was Princess Mou? She shook her head - there had to be a better explanation than that... surely.


Suppose if all else fails I can be an author :L
Of crappy pulp-fiction books/novels

Still, it'd make a living I suppose.

A rather poor living.
Of uncertainty...

Maybe not.


Either way, I guess this blog is mainly just about Shinobi Life lol.
So... If you don't read it... either start, or stopping reading this post xD

So yeah, have decided that for the first(last?) "Arc"
I'll do about 20 chapters (2 per month till December)

Every chapter is going to slowly start becoming more and more
part of a bigger picture - and each one is related to a rather loose
story arc which will reach conclusion in - obviously - chapter 20.


There are already some hints as to the conclusion - starting in chapter 4.
Nothing solid, but soon you might be able to notice reccuring elements.

So, if you notice anything, feel free to let me know.
I might even tell you if you're on to something :P


Wednesday 29 April 2009


Listening to
An Cafe - Merrymaking


End of an era.
Kind of depressing to be honest...

4 years of drama, officialy come to an end.

One of my only real passions.
And the last time I'm ever likely to be on stage again...

It's actually really depressing.


Still, my monotonous life as a hairdresser seems well on its way.
What fun...

I guess I should be a bit more enthusiastic,
I just wish things had happened differently...


Still, I guess I'm only 16,
Got my whole life ahead of me.

It's just my youth that's over...


Haven't blogged in ages actually.

I promised myself I was gonna be a bit more commited,
but I think I've done pretty well all things considered.

Think I might stop at 100.

Nobody really cares what I think anyway XD


My drama exam went quite well though,
so I'm definetly quite happy with that...

Still really depressing that it'll be my last acting piece though.

After all, the chances of making it are slim.
And I'm far too fat to be a model XD


Monday 6 April 2009



Listening to
X Japan - Standing Sex


Not fair!!!



Just started reading this manga, Off*Beat
(It's ace btw, go read)
And it turns out, the 3rd, and last, volume is on "indefinite hiatus"!!

I can't fucking believe it!
Tokyopop are all crudbuckets...

...Tokyopop = publishers


Also sad,
Absolute Boyfriend's ending :(

Haven't cried so much since...
Since I heard off*beat was on hiatus!!!



So... yay :)
Lots of stuff going on this week.

Not sure when I'll fit in my art project though...
(slightly getting worried now...)

Got someone on Tues,
No1 on Wed,
The "ladies" on Thur
Kylie Minogue on Fri
and Kaa on Sat

Lots and lots of fun.
Me and Kaa are gonna watch Pokemon on DVD

Cause I said so.


Beginning to notice my diet is self-destructing.
And I'm getting fat, fat, fat :P

Sushi for all my main meals... (too little)
And then 3 chocolate bars, per snack (way too much)

Probably need to take a long hard look at my diet.
And myself.
In the mirror.

'Cause I'm getting fat, fat, fat :P


Wednesday 1 April 2009



Listening to
Alice Nine - The Beautiful Name


Bleh, Drama's getting on my nerves.
Especially a certain, particularly annoying teacher.




Had to re-do my nab for drama,
hopefully I did better this time.

Completely negleted the use of quotes my last time,
But this time I think I got quite a few good ones in it.

Still, I'm getting rather annoyed that all her plays were for women.

Really tempted to complain...
(there are rules she hasn't been following I can complain about.)


Really need to get some stretchers.

And a nape piercing...



More Quotes
Mrs Imrie - Romeo was an emo, Juliet wouldn't shag 'im

Caitlin - Who's Sam Ronson?
Me - She's Lindsay Lohan's Lesbian Lover
Caitlin - Woah, Alliteration!

Liam - Miss, what's a wedge?
Mrs. Imrie - It's erm.. when the man has a big...
Me to Rebecca - No wonder he doesn't know what it means.

Holly - Turn around Robert... I know, that's what he said.

Me - I digivolve into... your mum! You don't :P

Me - It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy... but not in a dirty way...
